sermons and notes posted on this blog are not necessarily what came out of my mouth during the services,
but they'll offer a sense my dance with the Holy Spirit while preparing to preach

Sunday, March 30, 2014

what keeps us blind and what enables us to see

as we consider what keeps us blind and what enables us to see:

Awake! Shine! Don’t remain blind to the good news that goodness and mercy pursues us every day (seeking us even before we look for it). Those least likely in the eyes of others are chosen (God sees them as we often do not). A generous banquet table is set within sight of any opposition as a beacon of hope through the shadow of death. Sent with our own eyes covered in spit and mud, once washed, as faithful we too can see anew (and are called to live accordingly). 

[ref. lectionary readings for fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A]

Sunday, March 23, 2014

why am I thirsty when there's water gushing forth?

[ref. readings for Lent 3, Year A]

thankful that God continually extends us grace and invitations to embrace new life together, despite our ungrateful grumbling amid abundance as well as our seduction into segregating, thirst-inducing, and deadening daily routines that draw us away from energizing encounters at the deep wells and refreshing springs of water gushing forth from the hearts of those abiding with the Spirit 

from "Moses" (TV movie c.1996)

Samaritan Woman At The Well by He Qi (China)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

regardless of chronological age, 
we’re invited to venture forth 
from an old life of security in what we see or know 
‘because it is written’ 
into the freedom of new life 
faithfully believing what we hear in the gentle whisper of the Spirit 
and acting according to what is already written on our hearts by God 
(and demonstrated for us in/through Jesus)

painted by Henry Ossawa Tanner

Sunday, March 9, 2014

can we believe in both Barbie and belovedness

On this first Sunday of Lent, considering 55 years of Barbie (and Ken) as contrast to our own creation... as well as times of trial and transformation, and the temptation to trust more in what we think we know than to believe we’re forgiven and beloved.

Particularly in context of ministry with older adults, I'm wondering about where we get our ideas of what it means and our projections about what it looks like to age?

We have baby dolls and Barbie dolls... what about a senior Sarah or elder Ed doll?

What do we think we know about aging?

Do we still believe we're created in God's image and that we're beloved?

Let us pray…
Come Holy Spirit, lead us deeper into the wilderness this Lent. 
“Lead us not into temptation… save us from the time of trial”
Have mercy on us this season as we examine our beliefs
and objects of our trust and devotion.
Help the unrealistic and untrustworthy desires in us die
as we prepare to embrace your promise of new life
and learn anew to love others as you have shown us how to love.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

transfiguring enlightenment for the sake of transformative mission

Lest we be fearfully fixated on or delightfully distracted by mystical mountaintop experiences, or tempted to dwell too long within the walls of our own constructions, God’s voice interrupts limited, albeit well-meaning, assumptions and calls us to listen to Jesus. In the midst of moments when we’ve fallen to the ground in awe, Christ comes over, touches us, and says “Get up” we’ve got uncomfortably transformative work to do back down in the vast valleys of life. 

[ref. Matt 17:1-9 and other lectionary readings for last Sunday after Epiphany]