I'm not familiar with 'JJ' Grey or his band Mofro, but this songwriter's quotable remark struck a chord with me as I fly back to Los Angeles to gather my belongings, say farewell to friends there, and begin a drive thru Nevada, Utah, and Colorado en route to my new home (and life) in Kansas... being welcomed by new friends to a new ministry.
Rather than interpreting his words with a resignation of an exhausted pacifist, I hear in them knowledge of an inspiring strength that emerges from surrender to a creative process beyond our individual force of will.
Coupled with impressions left on my heart from this morning's Gospel reading (Jesus reaching out to a faithful woman, releasing her from all that has ailed her for 18 years), the idea that power is unleashed when you let "it" (read: new life in Christ) happen is nourishing food for this next leg of the journey.
Create in me a clean heart, oh God; and renew a right spirit within me. :-)
*Citrone, John E. "Florida Son" [an interview with singer/songwriter John 'JJ' Grey]. (American Way: Aug 15, 2010).

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Location:Unnamed Rd,Irving,United States
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